Niyi Akinmolayan, a renowned Nigerian filmmaker and founder of Antill Studios, the post production company behind the blockbuster hit Jagun Jagun, recently shocked fans and critics...
On April 2, 2021, Anthill Productions and FilmOne’s comedy film, Prophetess, had its world premiere in Nigerian theaters. Directed by Niyi Akinmolayan, co-written by Niyi and...
An intense plot, erotic scenes and immersive sound, ‘Hey You’ is the sort of movie you want to see with your spouse over a glass of...
The task of a movie director is to direct the actors and other staff members to convey the desired theme behind a script, basically bringing it...
A Nigerian film-maker, director and media consultant, Niyi Akinmolayan, who is best known for directing the highest grossing Nigerian film of all time, set tongues wagging...
Nollywood actress, Iretiola Doyle, has knocked filmmaker, Niyi Akinmolayan, for criticising influencers who have delved into acting. The Chief Daddy director had earlier berated “influencer actors”,...